7 Gratitudes

No. 1 \\ The greatest honor of my life is walking (and twirling) in hand with this gentleman. Happy anniversary darling, Zachary.

No. 2 // My husbands old shirt and Essie Take a Dancebreak.

No. 3 \\ Celebrating the birth of our fearless leader with half-price oysters and pirated materials.

No. 4 \\ Our summer garden candy. Waiting day by day for the green ones to turn yellow. Then the yellow ones to turn orange. One of the children usually discovers they’re ready before bringing them in by the handful to share.

No. 5 \\ Although I was barely able to harvest enough for a couple of arrangements, boy, my heart sang with gladness for this tiny step in the direction of becoming a stronger gardener. Managed my first bouquet from a very meager success of blooms but I’ll keep trying.

No. 6 \\ The Auberge of the Flowering Hearth by Roy Andries de Groot was just the playful read needed to get in a European state of mind. Now that we are Stateside I may attempt a recipe or two in honor of our days in France.

No. 7 \\ All of the “remember when” phrases we collected as a family during our month abroad.


Kirsten’s Garden Tour


Preserving the Family Table